Cybersecurity is a critical business investment
The cybersecurity paradigm shift to an online world has transcended the way safeguarding important assets must be approached.
With more and more corporate resources moving to cloud hosting and thus residing where nobody can truly know its location, physical security’s relevance for externally hosted resources wanes and it becomes important to think about strong cryptography and audit accountability. While physical, system and network security at the workplace for systems and infrastructure utilized locally remains important as ever.
Every second, networks and systems are compromised
More cybersecurity vulnerabilities are found daily, and devices that were largely ignored as a security risk — for instance, networked printers with wireless capability — end up being used by hackers to access internal servers. Attacks can be leveraged to gain unauthorized access to information, networks and compromise other systems.
The population of malicious hackers for hire is growing
This unfortunate circumstance has accelerated the already overwhelming need for every single business and other organization to secure their networks and systems, train their personnel, implement regulations and procedures, as well as having a third party audit their entire infrastructure.

We audit our own networks and systems regularly, as well as those where we are hired to manage cybersecurity. Our security experts and engineers monitor and log any and all suspicious activity to ensure the highest levels of security for our customers and their customers.
Envescent’s cybersecurity experts have engineered a number of solutions to assist businesses in securing their infrastructure, systems, customers and data.
Prevention is the key to durable information security
Physical Security: Preventing (or responding to) any intruders’ entrance to your business, obtaining unauthorized access to components or employees of your business. Keeping all components of infrastructure physically secured, extraneous/backup data storage mechanisms “out-of-reach” and having adequate detection systems and response measures.
Network Security: Preventing (or responding to) compromising of (any, but especially mission critical) networks, routers, bridges, switches, services and other components through vulnerabilites existing on intranets, extranets, inadequate firewalling, inferior IDS, or inexperienced incident response team personnel. Thus creating not only dynamic response measures, adaptable to any situation, but preventing these situations from occuring and negatively influencing your business.
System Security: Preventing (or responding to) compromising of (any, but especially mission critical) systems, servers, cloud instances, mobile devices, workstations and other arbitrary computing devices employed inside and/or connected to the business. Therefore implementing a multifaceted system security solution, that is applicable to any and all systems involved in your business’s infrastructure.
Reacting to an incident is more costly than prevention
Our cybersecurity services include advanced penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, managed cybersecurity solutions, implementation and remote monitoring of servers, networks, routers, switches, firewalls, VPNs and other infrastructure components, system and network security auditing, IT security consulting and incident response services.
We also provide a selection of preventative and response measures, such as HIDS, NIDS (host and network intrusion detection systems), Internet and intranet firewalls, secure proxies, advanced application source code auditing, VPN (virtual private network) integration, dissemination, hardening of network security, upgrading and securing applications and equipment, on-site and off-site security evaluation, and private Internet investigation services (for tracking down malicious attackers).