Cybersecurity a growing concern for small business

Data breaches grace the headlines at least once a week these days.  Companies whose sensitive information has been compromised by unauthorized parties on a massive scale.  Many of them suffering from irreparable financial and reputation damage.

Imagine an Internet of malicious things

The Internet of Things is (IoT) is the concept of many different devices which connect together to bring about a richer online experience.  These items include routers, automation systems, Internet telephony, security cameras, file sharing network drives and other network appliance devices.

Sea change in credit card liability for small business

New requirements for merchants will cause a significant shift in business liability for certain types of credit card fraud. But many business owners are not ready and even more have not heard about this change in payment processing.

Five strategies to prevent small business disasters

Every small business in Arlington, Virginia relies off of technology to enhance productivity, but that gain can quickly be wiped away in the event of an unforeseen disaster.  Such an event could wipe out an unprepared company due to the loss of time and inability to perform critical business functions.  Here are five critical tips to help ensure your Arlington, Virginia small business survives the most common disasters.