Mobile phone

Mobile Devices: An Overlooked yet Key Target for Cyberattacks

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives in business, serving as our constant companions for communication and productivity. However, despite their ubiquitous presence, mobile devices are often overlooked when it comes to security. This oversight can lead to significant risks, including malicious applications, untrusted networks, and outdated operating systems.

Hackers in China

Chinese Hacking Operation Threatens US Business Cybersecurity

In recent years, foreign intelligence operations in China have made significant strides in compromising key US infrastructure and corporate networks, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity awareness and efforts to secure networks, systems, cloud presence, and train personnel. This development demonstrates that state-level actors have a propensity to attack targets of all sizes, from small business routers and firewalls to Fortune 500 company cloud presences, such as Microsoft. As the risk landscape continues to evolve, decision makers must take proactive steps to improve their security posture.

hacked printer

The Unseen Threat: Why Securing Networked Devices is Critical

In today’s interconnected world, networked devices such as printers, scanners, routers, switches, cameras, phones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become an integral part of our daily lives. They offer convenience, efficiency, and advanced features that make our lives easier. However, these devices often go unnoticed when it comes to security, leaving them vulnerable to hackers who can use them as a backdoor into more sensitive systems.